Companies typically replace their enterprise software every 10 years. This means that for a good portion of that time they are not looking at any recent improvements in the look and feel of their software. Upgrading is always a pain when you are housing your own server, and “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. It is just too much of a hassle.

The Old Generation of Data Analytics

Data Analytics was born because it was difficult to view information in big systems. Data was ‘locked’ in these old systems with no easy way to access it. The solution was to pull the data out of the unwieldy system and put it in a new system that could slice and dice the data for you. This didn’t work very well for many reasons. The data was never quite up to date and often it took a little while to pull the data into the new system. It was cumbersome.

The New Generation of Data Analytics

Things have changed. Computers are faster. Software is better. Many enterprise systems now have their own analytics built in (this really scares some of the analytics and middleware companies out there). The trick now is to find a system that has GOOD analytics. Many appear good on the surface, and then you ‘take them home’ and realize they can’t do exactly what you wanted to do… and you are back to using another program to analyze your data. This new generation is getting better, but it still is only experimenting with UI (user interface) and UX (user experience).

Next Steps

  • Clarify what information you need to measure your business. Create meaningful KPIs (key performance indicators) that are leading rather than just lagging.
  • Figure out if your old system can provide this in some way, or get a new system that will give you full visibility of your data in a meaningful way.

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